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Chicago Public Schools 

If you live in the City of Chicago, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is your official local education agency (LEA) responsible by law for evaluating, determining eligibility, and providing services for children with disabilities.  

Placement Types 

There are lots of different types of placements. This allows for more support specific to the child's needs. Placement is categorized based on how restrictive it is. Each child has the right to be placed in the least restrictive environment for them. See more about rights here: 

CPS Preschool Program Options

Children who have an IEP only to receive speech therapy 

These students are in general education classrooms 100% of the time 

LRE 1: Students who need teaching from a special education teacher up to 120 minutes/week. 

These classes are taught by general education teachers and have special education itinerant (traveling) teachers for part of the week. 

LRE 2: Students who need teaching from a special education teacher up to 500 minutes/week. 

These are classes taught by both general education and special education teachers where  children with disabilities attend with gen ed peers 

LRE 3: Students who need teaching from a special education teacher in a separate classroom 

These classes are taught separately from general education peers by special education teachers 

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Students with speech only services, LRE 1, and 504 plans may apply and enroll in a CPS preschool program using the online portal 

Inclusive programs and cluster programs are not available at every school. So these students are placed in a program that meets their needs by CPS's Office for Students with Disabilities

Click to see a map of schools with full and half day programs for pre-k 

* Most programs for three year olds in CPS are half day, so your child will either be in the morning or afternoon section. 

After preschool placement options for children with disabilities change. 

Starting in their kindergarten year placements there are more placement options. See below if you want to learn more. 

LRE 1: 0%-20% removed from general education classroom 

LRE 2: 21%-60% removed from general education classroom 

LRE 3: 61%-100% removed from general education classroom 

Specialized classrooms where students need 61%-100% removal from general education classrooms and a significantly modified curriculum. 

A specialty school outside of CPS district for students with higher needs. 

A placement for when child’s needs are 24/7 and cannot be met in any other setting.

Instruction in the home or hospital setting for if a student is unable to attend a school elsewhere due to medical or psychiatric condition.

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This website resource created by UIC OTD student Talia Anson Neuhaus as a part of a doctoral capstone project. All information is up to date as of March 2025. This website is being provided as a resource not offering any official advisement or endorsement for any programs or entities mentioned in the site. 

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