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IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan. The IEP is the most important building block of school based services. It allows teachers, parents and other school professionals to create a plan specific to each child. To learn more about how the IEP is developed look at the later sections!
IEP Parts
IEPs may look different from district to district, but they all have to have certain parts.
Present Levels of Performance
This section describes where the child is academically and functionally. It should include: Evaluation Results Team input Parent input
Goals and Objectives
This section has goals that will address the child's needs from the present levels. Goals have: - Yearly review and updates - Updates on progress reports every quarter. - A certain way they are written. They may sound strange or confusing. Team members should explain but ask for more explanation if you want.
Accommodations and Modifications
This section is the individualized additions or changes to the curriculum or environment to support the child. These might include: - Consideration of special factors like language, assistive technology, diagnosis, or behavior - Any special training for staff - Assessment accommodations Some examples of accommodations are: - Frequent breaks - Sensory tools - Visual schedule Some examples of modifications are: - Changes to curriculum - Changes to teaching methods - Different assessments
Services and Placement
This section lists what services the child will receive and where. Includes: - Academic services; this is usually based on subject area - Related services (OT, PT, SLP) - Minutes: This means how many minutes per week the child is in different environments or with different services. Placement: - For more about placement visit placement tab under school and therapy options
Other Services
Depending on the child's needs other things may be included: - Extended school year (ESY); this is basically summer school services. - Transportation services - Transition plan; if they are 14.5 or older - Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) - Special Equipment or services; assistive technology, medical services etc.
First IEP Meeting